What is foolishness?

What is Foolishness? God’s Wisdom Study Week 2

Week 2 of Timothy Keller’s book God’s Wisdom for Navigating Life begins a new look at wisdom, this time from the angle of “what is foolishness?”

Proverbs has a lot to say about fools and foolishness. By showing us examples of fools we are able to identify problem areas in our own lives, the lives of people we surround ourselves, and learn a little bit more about wisdom. 

Here are the fools we take a closer look at this week: 

  • Mockers
  • Simple
  • Obstinate
  • Troublemakers
  • Sluggard
  • “Little miss out for yourself”
  • Absurd fools

Let me just put it to you straight, I saw myself in every single category. Some more than others, thank goodness. But it sure makes you face the reality of your thoughts and actions when you look at each category closely. 

What is foolishness? Ignorance, obstinate mockers

Look, if just reading that makes you lean back. Same. Writing that made me lean back. I was like, whoa. Harsh much? But here we are in Proverbs, and we can’t ignore it. 

How long will you simple love your simple ways? Proverbs 1:22

Mockers are a category of fool. I can’t be the only person who observes that the people who speak the loudest are usually the ones who are most set in their opinions. Sometimes, those opinions are not based on full knowledge, aka, ignorant.  

And I’m saying “they” because I don’t want to say “me” or “I”. It’s embarrassing, can we all just agree that we know that I’m pointing at myself here. 

I’ve certainly experienced issues when I thought I was the only one who had the right opinion, the only one who saw all the issues and came to the only conclusion possible. Viewing myself in this way how many doors have been closed to thoughtful conversation. Deeper knowing, instruction, and relationship. 

Troublemaking is foolish

While I am not prone to conflict, I can say that I have caused trouble. Sometimes inadvertently, but that’s a lack of wisdom too. But I do know many people who live for the trouble making. They spend their life stirring the pot, causing upset, even of themselves! A more modern term might be… drama queen? 

Fools are not only trouble-makers, the spend time with trouble makers. I hate to avoid them, because … drama… We need to find a wise way to distance ourselves.

How to not mock others

I found myself drawn in memory to a particular sermon. Our previous pastor was preaching, and honestly, it was a while ago so I can’t remember the main topic. But I paraphrase his point like this …”there are no shallow people, only shallow relationships.”

There are no shallow people, only shallow relationships.

That has stuck with me forever. How many times have I brushed people off, or rolled my eyes because I have different interests and opinions than someone else? And while I’m doing that, I am missing out on growing in knowledge of topics and people. Of having real deep meaningful relationships. 

I guess, the fool will find themselves lonely if they don’t figure out how to stop judging everyone and everything so quickly and seeing those fine distinctions we learned about last week…

A little… a little… a little… Foolishness!

Oh the sluggard! You take so many shapes. When I first read about the sluggard, I thought “safe again! I’m no sluggard”. Oof. OK, it’s me. I’m the sluggard!

You may be like me, you don’t think you are a sluggard either. I work hard! My days are filled with work, and work, and when I’m done with that work. Now tell me something, does that sound like a sluggard? 

But what if we look at it in this way… 

“A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest”

If we change those words up a bit, maybe something more recognizable (to me anyway…)

“A little TV, a little Instagram, a little Facebook for catching up with friends”

What is foolishness? Being a sluggard

Oof! How many seconds, minutes, and hours have been wasted on social media? I have a few minutes, I’ll just check on Instagram and see what everyone’s up to. Real quick, let me see on Facebook if so-and-so posted about their new puppy. Binge watching? Seriously? We need to go back to the days of TV episodes weekly. 

So, I realized I’m a sluggard. Fooling myself with work and not doing the things that matter. In the past 3 years since I started my blog (not this one, the knitting one), I have spent more time on the computer and less time doing things that matter like… 

  • Cleaning my house
  • Cooking food for my family
  • Eating with my family
  • Spending time with family and friends
  • Taking care of my health

At the end of those three years, I found myself fatter than ever before. More tired and worn out than ever before. My house is a bigger mess than I’ve ever lived in. My family hooked on fast-food and accustomed to not get attention from me. 

Excuse me little miss “out for herself”

I’m possibly dating myself here, but have you seen Scrubs? There’s a fabulous scene where Elliot is calling Carla out on some rumors she has heard about Carla. Feeling attacked and also confronting a work issue, Carla turns to her and says “Word does get around little miss out for herself”, and then goes on to address the work issue. 

Elliot thought she was so wise, she’s the doctor after all, she can give Carla some advice. But when the tables are turned, Elliot has to see an ugly side of herself too. The truth is that Elliot is taking all the credit for herself, pushing others down around her so that she can get ahead.


This is the fool we see in Proverbs 1:16-19. And that is the fool who rushes to evil setting traps for others, but only capturing themselves. 

For their feet rush into evil, they are swift to shed blood. How useless to set a net where every bird can see it! These men lie in wait for their own blood; the ambush only themselves! Such are the paths of all who go after ill-gotten gain; it takes away the life of those who get it.

I once worked with someone who was very good at her job and we enjoyed working together. When she discovered that I learned very quickly and was able to work very efficiently, things began to change. I suddenly began getting called into the supervisors office for doing things incorrectly. 

Can you believe that she would purposefully train me incorrectly? Just so that she could still be the “go to” employee? It took me a while to see it because I thought we were friends.

Absurdity is foolishness

Absurdity is the quality or state of being ridiculous, or wildly unreasonable. Kind of like a toddler, but we’re grown-ups. But even grownups throw tantrums and can be wildly unreasonable. 

Proverbs 1:25 Since you disregard all my advice and do not accept my rebuke, I in turn will laugh when disaster strikes you.

When I read these verses, it kind of stings. Like, seriously? Laughing at disaster and mocking me in my calamity? Ouch! 

Are you a parent? I’m a parent. And so, I kind of get it though. I mean, I love my kids. I don’t want them to experience disaster or calamity. But, I also want them to listen to me. And sometimes the thing they aren’t listening to me about is kind of dumb. 

So, when they don’t listen to me and go about doing things according to their own free will, and it slaps them in the face. I don’t mind sharing a quick “I told you so”. Not even a little. Honestly, it fills me with a bit of satisfaction. 

Especially if they say “I know! I should have listened to you!” Yes, you should have. It’s ok, we’ll do better in the future. 

I gotta wonder if that’s why God calls Himself our father. Because sometimes these verses can seem pretty harsh, but if you look at them from the eyes of the parent … Yeah, no, I get it. Fair enough.

True confessions of a parental “I told you so” moment

Recently my daughter was having a situation with a friend and a boy that she liked. I told her exactly what I thought was going on. She did not think what I said could possibly be true – “Inconceivable!”. “I do not think that word means what she thinks it means.” 

After winter break one day after school, my daughter jumps in the car and begins telling me the situation. Exactly what I had said to her BEFORE winter break. I smiled serenely to myself. Pulled the car over, pulled up YouTube and played her this clip. Enjoy

It was funny and we both laughed. But my daughter did say she would rather I give her a rose. Next time sweet daughter, I will bring you a bouquet of roses. Love, mommy.

Can the fool become wise?

This week, I felt the pain of being a fool. Every day I felt like I was standing before Nathan, and he was pointing at me “You are the man!” 

Every possible way I can be a fool feels like it has been brought up, and I just had to say, yep, that one too God. That one too. 

And even though I stumble, and fall, and make a mess, and am incredbly foolish at times, I’m so thankful that God loves me. He is my father and He wants me to become wise too. So, He gives me His word. 

I loved the prayer from Day 11. Check it out: 

Father, I see Jesus moving through life without a wrong word or false step. He knows exactly when to be quiet and when to speak when to correct and when to affirm. How I want to be like Him!

-Tim & Kathy Keller

Thankfully, the Lord in his goodness spared me from complete ruin during my season of extreme foolishness. Because He held me fast to Himself and my relationship with Him is deeper and better than ever before. 

That’s it for Week Two of God’s Wisdom in Proverbs. Stay tuned for more!

Lois Sig

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