Time Management
It’ not all about the hustle and bustle
Time Management
Time is our most valuable resource, why am I wasting so much of it? How can I better invest it?
It’s not all about the hustle…
I’ve been hustling and bustling for years. And I can honestly tell you, if I had been hustling and bustling less, I probably would have done a better job. And felt a lot less stressed.
It’s not how much time you put in, how frantic you work, how stressed you feel that makes all your effort worthwhile. It’s the careful planning, slow movements over time that make a real difference.
STOP letting time manage you (part 2)
Do you let time manage you? I am finite, and time is finite, what do I actually, truly, deeply desire to do with time? Do I want to manage it?
Tired of time managing you? How to make it stop (part 1)
Life is busy. I’m sure you already know. But I’ve begun realizing that sometimes, life is busy because I let time manage me. What are some of the pitfalls of catering to time’s insistent ticking?
But … I just need to be better with my money …
How many times have I said “I just need to be better with my money”? And I truly believed that was true. But God had something to tell me about this blanket statement I made all the time. He doesn’t think I need to be better. He thinks I need to STOP being wicked.