Financial Management

Setting up a plan that is a little bit different…

Proverbs has a lot to say about financial management

You know I’ve tried it all! Mary Hunt, Dave Ramsey, envelopes, cash only, etc. etc. These programs can and do work for a lot of people, but for special folks like me….

God’ word is powerful

Recently, God has been on my case…

I need God’s wisdom, knowledge, insight and most of all His help. Recently in my wisdom study it occurred to me that I am guilty. I am SO guilty! The conviction of my sin struck me straight in the heart, and it hurt. 

God called out my self preserving lies. The ones I tell myself, so I don’t feel so bad about not being good with my money. Like how I justify living paycheck to paycheck over and over as “fixing it soon!”. How many times have I said “I just need to be better with my money”?

As I draw near to God I need to make financial management a regular habit.